Outpatient Surgery Data Reporting

What is Outpatient Surgery Data Reporting?

Connecticut General Statutes Section 19a-654 requires licensed outpatient surgical facilities and hospital outpatient surgical departments to report patient identifiable encounter data beginning July 1, 2015 and thereafter, to the Health Systems Planning (HSP) unit of the Office of Health Strategy (OHS).

OHS utilizes such data to fulfill its responsibilities such as assessing availability and utilization of health care services; evaluating unmet needs and gaps in services; developing and maintaining a statewide health care facilities and services plan; decision-making in certificate of need; and public health planning. The statute also authorizes HSP to provide access to the data to qualified entities and individuals.

Registration Form

Pathways for Transmitting the Data:

File Upload User Guide          OR          Web Portal User Guide          

File Layout                                             VPN Guide

Useful Information:

PowerPoint - Intro to Reporting

Webinar - Intro to Reporting

Zoom Recording - Reporting Refresher 11-30-2022

Q & A


Outpatient Surgery Data Related Statutes
Who is required to file?  19a-654 C.G.S
Penalty for not filing  19a-653 C.G.S.
  C.G.S. => Connecticut General Statute