Press Releases
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(HARTFORD, CT) - The Connecticut Office of Health Strategy and Department of Social Services announced today that the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMMI) has selected Connecticut to participate in a new, voluntary, state total cost of care model: the States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development Model (AHEAD Model).
(Hartford, CT) – On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 the Office of Health Strategy (OHS), hosted an informational hearing on Connecticut’s Healthcare Benchmark Initiatives. The initiatives play a key role in improving the health of state residents by ensuring access to high-quality affordable health care. OHS released three reports central to the initiative’s mission in May including the Healthcare Cost Growth Benchmark, Quality and Primary Care Spending Target reports.
(Hartford, CT) – On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 the Office of Health Strategy (OHS), along with several of Connecticut’s health and human services agencies hosted a Social Determinants of Health Summit at the Chrysalis Center in Hartford, CT. This first ever statewide summit convened community-based social services agencies and healthcare organizations, community, and state agency leaders to discuss collaboration and alignment on efforts to address social determinants of health and improve health outcomes. According to the National Institutes of Health, social determinants of health (SDoH), such as financial resources and housing stability, account for between 30–55% of people’s health outcomes.
(Hartford, CT) – The Office of Health Strategy (OHS), Yale New Haven Health Services (YNHHS) and Prospect CT have come to an agreement that approves the Certificate of Need (CON) application for YNHHS’s acquisition of Prospect CT’s three Connecticut hospitals – Waterbury Hospital, Rockville General Hospital, and Manchester Memorial Hospital. The settlement terms will ensure that the quality, access, equity, affordability, and cost-effectiveness standards of the CON statute are met.
(HARTFORD, CT)-The Office of Health Strategy (OHS) announced today that a one-time adjustment will be made to the previously announced cost growth benchmark values. OHS will increase the 2024 Healthcare Cost Growth Benchmark target value to 4.0%, up from the previously announced 2.9% target due to the anticipated impacts of unusually high inflation occurring in the 2022 reporting year. According to Public Act 22-118, OHS is required to annually review the current and projected rate of inflation and determine whether a modification of the Healthcare Cost Growth Benchmark is indicated.
(HARTFORD, CT) -- The Connecticut Office of Health Strategy (OHS) has rendered a Final Decision by way of an Agreed Settlement in Hartford Healthcare’s Windham Community Memorial Hospital, Inc. Certificate of Need application. The settlement approves the request to terminate the hospital’s inpatient obstetric services if Windham studies the need for and feasibility of a birthing center and agrees to operate one if needed. Windham Hospital’s application has been approved with significant conditions to ensure continued access to affordable healthcare for residents of the Windham community.