12/19/2019 UPDATE!!! OPM is not accepting STEAP applications at this time. Please continue to monitor this webpage for updates regarding timelines for applications and awards. Updates will be posted to this site and a notice will be sent to all eligible towns when such timelines become available.
Preserving the historical integrity and beauty of our small towns is vital to our economy and quality of life. The Small Town Economic Assistance Program (CGS Section 4-66g) funds economic development, community conservation and quality-of-life capital projects for localities that are ineligible to receive Urban Action (CGS Section 4-66c) bonds. This program is managed by the Office of Policy and Management, and the grants are administered by various state agencies. |
Projects Eligible For STEAP Grant Funding (this link will be updated soon) |
Projects Not Eligible for STEAP Grant Funding (this link will be updated soon) |
STEAP Eligible Towns / STEAP Opt-in Towns (this link will be updated soon) |
Announcements, Application Guidelines, & Application (this link will be updated soon) |
STEAP Award Listing (2005 to present)
Granby: Holcomb Farm Parking Lot Construction & Building Renovations |