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Juvenile Justice & Youth Development

Programs & Grants

Law-Related Education

Law-related education teaches young people about rights and responsibilites under the law and about democracy, the law, the legal system and citizenship.  Law-related education engages youth and shows them ways that they can contribute to their communities. Law-related education (LRE) has a critical role to play in preventing juvenile crime—it inculcates protective factors in the youth it educates, thus buffering them from the problems and circumstances that might lead to their involvement in delinquency and other negative behaviors.  Funds under this program area must be used to support law-related education activities open to students, teachers and others across the state. 

Grantees under the Law-Related Education Program category may access reporting forms at the Grantee Reporting: Law-Related Education page.

TOP of pageFunding Opportunities for FY 2017/2018

The Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and its Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC)  announce funding for 2017/2018 for the Law-related Education Program.  This funding opportunity supports law-related education activities open to students, teachers and others across Connecticut. The only eligible applicants are nonprofit agencies currently serving youth in Connecticut.  Nonprofit agencies may apply for up to $60,000 for the period of October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.  It is expected that one grant will be awarded.  The organization or agency funded for 2017/2018 will be eligible for up to two additional years of federal funding, at the same level, assuming federal funds are available and the project has demonstrated successful performance in the previous year(s). 

The application is in a Microsoft Word document.  If you do not have Microsoft Word, click viewers for a small freeware application.  If you are unable to use this format, please contact our office. 

2017/2018 Law-related Education Program (17 pages, 170KB)