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ARC of Farmington Valley

1Favarh is so appreciative and honored to have been awarded NGP grants in support of six (6) capital projects. We applaud the Governor and everyone involved at the Office of Policy and Management who has played a part in making this incredible opportunity, for so many worthy non-profits, come to fruition. Our projects would not have happened without this critical funding support.

The following 5 NGP projects have been completed:

1.  The purchase of five Automatic Generators for four of our Group Homes and one Day Life Enrichment program.

Power outages, emergency and relocation situations are taxing for most, but for those who require handicap accessible facilities, medical assistance devices, or may be incapable of understanding the process of relocation, it is extremely problematic. The purchase of the generators provided the means for Favarh to have a reliable emergency system and an effective emergency care plan in place.
2.  Renovations and Improvements at our Day Life Enrichment Program (ALEP) in Avon.   
Originally situated on a horse farm, the ALEP building still reflects the rustic nature of a historic farm barn. Although some updates had been made throughout its usage, essential renovations were finally addressed with the NGP grant. Two bathrooms lacked proper handicapped accessibility, privacy, and overall inefficiency of mobility needed for wheelchairs and other assistive devices. The flooring throughout the building was uneven, worn by time, and desperately in need of replacement. With the NGP funding support we were able to completely renovate both bathrooms and finish them with accommodating ADA appointments. New flooring throughout addressed all of our safety concerns for the individual care required of our more fragile clients.
3.  Purchase and Installation of an Automatic Standby Generator, Central Air Conditioning System, Cast Iron Wet Base Boiler and Stainless Steel Indirect Water Heater at our Alleluia Residential Group Home.
All of our residents at the Alleluia group home are elderly and have various physical and medical needs. The purchase of the ‘whole house’ generator eliminated the need to relocate these individuals in times of emergencies; the air conditioning provided a comfortable environment in times of excessive heat which is particularly essential for our elderly clients; and the boiler and hot water heater replacement insured adequate heating throughout our New England winters and sufficient hot water for all of the residents.
4.  Expansion and Improvements to Day Life Enrichment program building in Canton CT.
Due to the ever-increasing demand for our day service program in Canton, we desperately needed to utilize unfinished space within the Canton program. Improvements completed included: renovation/construction of two new programs rooms- personal care/changing room, and a relaxation/ therapy room. Renovations included all wall and flooring finishes, plumbing, lighting, HVAC modifications, equipment included a vanity & sink, and a ceiling lift to accommodate necessary transfers needed in the personal care area.  Additionally, more space was converted into an ADA Compliant Handicapped bathroom complete with an epoxy floor, polyphenol toilet partitions, pressure assisted water closets, and motion activated toilet paper and paper towel dispensers. The renovations and improvements addressed important privacy practices and quality care for all, and it provided program expansion for more people.
5.  The installation of Automatic Doors at our Administration & Contract Services Building in Canton and the installation of a bituminous asphalt sidewalk from this building which culminated at the town’s Walking Path.
The project included the installation of automatic doors at the two major egress areas: main level front door of our administration building and the rear/lower level contract services entrance. It tremendously effected our client’s ability to access the building independently with ease. The installation of the sidewalk addressed safety concerns for both staff and clients while accessing the walking trail which further promotes our commitment to health and wellness.

Project #6 is still underway:
6.  Day Life Enrichment Building and Transportation Hub-property purchase and building construction
This NPG grant has allowed Favarh to purchase 4.165 acres of land located at 100 Commerce Drive, Canton, CT. We have begun the design of a 7,500 sq.’ building which will be utilized by a new Day Life Enrichment program and the main Transportation Hub of Favarh. Many of our fleet of 65 vehicles and buses will be housed there. The 7500 sq.’ facility is within 1/8 of a mile from our administration building.