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1MARC, Inc. of Manchester has been extremely fortunate to receive Office of Policy and Management Nonprofit Grants which have facilitated needed capital acquisitions and renovations.  These funds have enabled us to fulfill our mission of providing the opportunity for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to lead meaningful lives of independence, choice, inclusion and continuous personal growth.

MARC, Inc. offers residential support options, employment opportunities, senior care, respite, recreational events and a host of other social programs and activities. Our facilities are located on 151 and 161 Sheldon Road in Manchester and operate as the hub of all the programs we deliver.  The facilities are utilized by over 300 individuals served and 265 staff on a daily basis.  In addition, dozens of volunteers and visitors are on site each day.


3In 2015, our 19,409 square foot parking lot was desperately in need of repairs to improve safety and efficiency.  The lot, primarily composed of concrete, had deteriorated creating an uneven surface and holes.  Many of the over 300 people we serve have mobility impairments that could result in falls and injuries when walking on this type of pavement.  An Office of Policy and Management grant enabled us to resurface the lot, alleviating this concern.  In addition to safety issues, the configuration of the former lot did not allow for the most efficient drop off and pick up area.  As part of the renovation, the lot was relined creating a better defined area for loading and emptying passengers from the dozens of vehicles that arrive each morning and afternoon.  Locating this space closer to the building, has significantly reduced the time needed for arrivals and departures.  Traffic congestion, which previously led to a gridlock of vehicles on Sheldon Road, has also been eliminated.



Our Day Service Option with Work program offers individuals the chance to work

in our facilities on various job projects, such as stuffing envelopes, shredding paper and cleaning safety glasses from Pratt & Whitney. Through an Office of Policy and Management Nonprofit grant, 5,800 square feet of warehouse space was renovated to accommodate an additional thirty people served in the Day Service Program.  The installation of air conditioning and a handicapped accessible bathroom were included in the renovation enhancing safety and comfort.  As a result of increasing the number of people we are able to serve in the Day Service Option, we realize an additional $76,000 annually in revenue enabling us to make additional investments in the program and services we offer.

Another Office of Policy and Management Nonprofit grant secured the purchase of two vans.  The vehicles were then converted into handicapped accessible, lift equipped wheelchair vans.  The additional vans allow us to accommodate the transportation needs of those we serve through our Senior and Day Support Option services, which have experienced significant growth over the past several years.  As many of the people we have served for decades are aging, their need for lift equipped transportation has increased dramatically.  The acquisition of the vans has enhanced the safety, efficiency and availability of our transportation resources.

MARC, Inc. enjoys a valuable partnership with the Office of Policy and Management and is grateful for their support of our mission, programs and commitment to the individuals we serve.