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Noank Community Support Services

Noank Community Support Services, Inc. (NCSS) has provided group home care for teens for over 46 years and currently provides therapeutic group home level of care to DCF for DCF referred adolescent girls, as well as the community-based services of supervised visitation, community housing assistance program and transportation.  The group home is in a rural wooded area that was often vulnerable to power failure due to storm limb damage to lines. Any outage is a challenge to keep the girls in the home safe, and could require the added expense of relocation, and with the funding from OPM to purchase a generator for the house, we no longer fear such power outages.  Since installation, the automatic generator has indeed kicked in a few times.  In addition, funding received has also allowed us to purchase vans for transporting the clients to activities and daily events.  Finally, we were able to bring our agency from the status of an all paper record system to going paperless, with funding for an electronic medical record system, which will allow staff to more accurately document, and more efficiently, as well as have a more secure way to archive records.  NCSS is very grateful to be now current technologically, and staff costs are reduced.