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Whole Life

Whole Life

Whole Life is honored to have been awarded grant funding for two major projects through the Nonprofit Grant Program. We are extremely fortunate for this opportunity to complete these two projects and to greatly improve the quality of life for people we serve.

Whole Life supports people with a variety of special needs including developmental disabilities, mobility challenges and intense health care needs to live, work and participate in community life. We have been doing this since 1987 and many of the people we support have been with us for the full 30 years.

To help people fulfill their dream of a home for life, we received grant funding for the purchase of several new vans. These vans can accommodate up to three people using wheelchairs as well as people who don’t use wheelchairs. The vans have greatly improved community access for many and have allowed people to fully participate in community life, to go to appointments, work, recreational and social events. They help us to support people in day programs who would otherwise not have been able to attend. The vehicles have been especially helpful for people who find their mobility declining as they age and who might otherwise have had to move to a different home or day program.

We also received a grant to install generators at over 20 community-based group homes. These generators allow people to shelter in place during power outages. This has been especially helpful during outages caused by storms since we no longer have to go out into the storm to find a safe place. With the use of these generators, all electric adaptive equipment continues to work, a blessing for people who rely on lifts, fire alarm and fire suppression systems, who have modified diets, and are otherwise dependent on electricity for their safety.

We are very grateful that the funding has been made available to support peoples’ access to the community and their efforts to experience community membership as well as their hopes to be able to stay in their homes as they grow older.