This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


The chief executive officer of a municipality must be one of the following: (A) the first selectman; (B) chief administrative officer appointed by the Board of Selectmen; (C) a mayor elected by the electors of the municipality; (D) a warden elected by the electors of a borough; (E) a town, city or borough manager appointed by the board of selectmen, the council, the board of directors, the board of aldermen or the board of burgesses; (F) a chief administrative officer appointed by the mayor. Any municipality having a manager as its chief executive officer may also have a mayor who shall be the presiding officer of its legislative body, shall be ceremonial head of such municipality and shall have such other powers and duties as the charter prescribes. The powers, duties and term of office of the chief executive officer shall be those prescribed by the general statutes and he shall have such other powers and duties as the charter prescribes.  CT State Statutes Sec. 7-193

CEO List as of December 2019    CEO List

For Further Information, Please Contact:
Lori Stevenson: phone (860) 418-6402 or