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Certified Revaluation Employees

A list of individuals who, as of May 1, 2019, are certified by the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) to perform revaluations for assessment purposes for municipalities in Connecticut is below.

State Regulations regarding Certification of Revaluation Companies and Their Employees

Certification expires on April 30th of the expiration year listed. In order to be recertified individuals must apply prior to expiration of their existing certification. As appropriate, the application should be completed and returned to: Jennifer Gauthier, Office of Policy and Management, 450 Capitol Avenue, MS#54 GSU, Hartford CT 06106-1379.

A copy of the publication Certified Connecticut Revaluation Employees Guidebook is available.  The Guidebook contains all pertinent information related to the Revaluation Certification Program including requirements, regulations, statutes, forms, recommended study material and answers to frequently asked questions.

Certified Revaluation Employees List: Certified Revaluation Employees


For further information, please contact: Jennifer Gauthier, (860)418-6342, or