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 Connecticut Municipal Budget Adoption Experiences


Each year, the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations surveys the state's 169 municipalities and 17 regional school districts regarding that year's budget adoption process and summarizes the findings in an annual report. The survey requests information regarding the method of budget adoption, i.e., council, town meeting, referendum, date of adoption, and the number of times the budget was voted on before it was adopted. The Commission compares the information received with data from previous years in order to identify trends and facilitate other analysis.

 A description of ACIR is available.

Latest Report:  2017-2019 Budget Adoption Experiences [Two Years] (PDF, 403 KB)


Previous Years' Reports:


For Further Information, Contact:
Bruce Wittchen: phone (860) 418-6323 - fax (860) 418-6493 - e-mail