This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

Publications to Download

The following publications can be downloaded and reproduced for your use. Please note that these publications cannot be modified or altered in any manner for any purpose.

You will need Acrobat Reader to view any PDF to HTML Converter documents or use the PDF to HTML Format Converter.

Frequently Asked Questions PDF to HTML Converter
Download (9 pages) - UPDATED APRIL 2019
Download (20 pages)
Before You Buy PDF to HTML Converter
Download (10 pages) - UPDATED JANUARY 2020
The Cost of Waiting to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance PDF to HTML Converter
Download (1 page) - UPDATED APRIL 2015

Partnership Reciprocity CompactPDF to HTML Converter
Download (2 pages) - APRIL 2014

Policy Comparison ReportPDF to HTML Converter
Download (23 pages) - UPDATED JANUARY 2020


Factors to Consider When Requesting a Quote for a Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care Approved PolicyPDF to HTML Converter
Download (1 page) - UPDATED MARCH 2019

For more information contact:
David Guttchen, Director
(860) 418-6318