This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

Division Contacts

Office of the Secretary
Melissa McCaw, Secretary
PHONE: (860) 418-6500, FAX: (860) 418-6487

Kosta Diamantis, Deputy Secretary
PHONE: (860) 418-6501, FAX: (860) 418-6487

Division of Administration
MaryAnn Palmarozza, Chief Administrative Officer
PHONE: (860) 418-6360, FAX: (860) 418-6487

Budget and Financial Management Division
Paul Potamianos, Executive Budget Officer
PHONE: (860) 418-6444, FAX: (860) 418-6490

Criminal Justice Policy & Planning Division
Marc Pelka, Undersecretary
PHONE: (860) 418-6394; FAX: (860) 418-6496

Office of Finance
Kimberly Kennison, Executive Finance Officer
PHONE: (860) 418-6422, FAX: (860) 418-6493

Health and Human Services Policy and Planning Division
Anne Foley, Undersecretary
PHONE: (860) 418-6268; FAX: (860) 418-6487

Intergovernmental Policy and Planning Division
Martin Heft, Undersecretary
PHONE: (860) 418-6355; FAX: (860) 418-6493

Office of Labor Relations
Sandra Brown-Brewton, Undersecretary
PHONE: (860) 418-6217; FAX: (860) 418-6493



Media Inquiries: (860)-524-7362

Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests:
Gareth Bye AND Mildred Melendez; AND

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