How to Apply for Social Services
Find information on how to apply for services offered by the Department of Social Services.
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The Emergency Food Assistance Program
Nutrition Assistance programs provide food and cash equivalents to various populations DSS serves. Their goal is to promote adequate nutrition among the target populations.
To Report Fraud or Abuse of Programs
The Department of Social Services is strongly committed to identifying and eliminating fraud, whether it be committed by a client, provider or vendor.
Veteran’s Home and Community Based Services
CT Veterans requiring home and based services in order to remain in the community and avoid institutionalization have the opportunity to self-direct their own care. Through this program veterans serve as an employer and have the freedom to hire and fire their own Personal Care Assistants and with the help of a fiscal management service, manage their individualized care plans and corresponding budgets.
Agency: State Unit on AgingVital Records Applications and Forms
Applications from both the State Vital Records Office and from the town/city where the event occurred. This includes applications for a copy of birth, death, marriage and civil union. Also find, applications for an Apostille, a directory of Connecticut Superior Courts as well as a Connecticut Town Clerk and Registrar directory.
Agency: Department of Public HealthCitizens can find answers to the most frequently asked questions surround obtaining, applying for a copy of, and otherwise accessing state vital records and more.
Agency: Department of Public HealthStatewide registry of all births, marriages, civil unions, deaths, and fetal deaths.
Agency: Department of Public HealthVocational Rehabilitation Services
Connecticut residents with significant disabilities who need help finding and keeping employment can apply for services through the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services.
Agency: Department of Aging and Disability ServicesVocational Rehabilitation Services for the Blind
Assists blind job seekers in breaking through physical, psychological, and educational barriers that are temporarily preventing them from obtaining careers that match their skills and motivation.
Agency: Department of Aging and Disability ServicesA guide to the meaning behind the numbers of data to Geographic Information System (GIS) Maps and State & National-Level Nutrition Reports.
Agency: Department of Public HealthThe Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, better known as the WIC Program, provides healthcare referrals, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, and supplemental foods.
Agency: Department of Public HealthWorkers’ Rehabilitation Services
Workers' Rehabilitation Services (WRS) is dedicated to assisting the eligible injured worker in returning to gainful employment by providing quality Vocational Rehabilitation services. Vocational planning focuses on enabling the injured worker to envision a new future and a new career.
Agency: Workers' Compensation Commission“Live Well” Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP)
The State Department on Aging coordinates the "Live Well", Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and holds workshops at various locations throughout the state. Live Well is targeted to older adults with chronic health conditions and helps them learn practical ways to deal with issues such as pain and fatigue, nutrition, exercise and talking with your doctor.
Agency: State Unit on Aging