What is the Bureau of Aging?

Read time: 6 minutes

The Bureau of Aging (BOA) helps older adults get services to live with feelings of security, confidence and independence. The BOA is responsible for planning, developing, and administering a service delivery system for older persons in Connecticut in their communities.

The bureau conducts needs assessments. It also monitors services and helps with assistance and referral for older adults and their friends and family. BOA coordinates care with other appropriate agencies for these services.

These services are under the federal Older Americans Act. Programs under the act include supportive services, in-home services, and congregate and home-delivered meals.  There are also programs that provide senior community employment, health insurance counseling, and respite care for caregivers.

The Bureau of Aging works closely with the aging network partners to provide these services.  Partners include Connecticut’s five area agencies on aging, municipal agents for the elderly, senior centers, and many others who provide services to older adults. BOA also provides oversight of and leadership for the Coalition for Elder Justice in Connecticut. 

Contact ADS.BOA@ct.gov with any questions you may have.

More information can also be found in the Connecticut State Plan on Aging 2024-2027. The plan is a requirement of the federal Older Americans Act and covers the period of October 1, 2024-September 30, 2027.  This draft plan was informed by public input and feedback from the Area Agencies on Aging, the aging and disability networks and other stakeholders. It presents a blueprint to address the needs of Connecticut’s older adults over the next three years. The plan challenges us and you, as our partners, to focus our work in the following areas: long-term services and supports, healthy aging, and elder rights. 


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