Adult-Use Cannabis Cultivator License

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A person that is licensed to engage in the cultivation, growing and propagation of the cannabis plant at an establishment with not less than 15,000 square feet of grow space. 


Eligible applicants must meet all licensing requirements as outlined in Section 48 of Public Act 21-1 (June Sp. Sess.), the Department’s policies and procedures, and all other relevant state and local laws and regulations. 


IMPORTANT: All individuals that are identified as backers associated with the cannabis establishment application must also complete a backer application before the close of the application window to ensure they are considered as part of the application.


Documentation Requirements



Cultivator licenses are not available through the lottery at this time

Future lottery rounds may be announced. Please check back at a later date.


Application Fees

One-Time Application Window for Cultivator that is located in a Disproportionately Impacted Area under Section 149 of PA 21-1 (June Spec. Sess.)

  Social Equity
 Initial Application - Social Equity Review $0
 Provisional $3 million
 Final License          $0

Lottery Applications

General Social Equity
Lottery $1,000 $500
Provisional $25,000 $12,500
Final License $75,000 $37,500

Social Equity Cultivator

Social Equity Cultivator licenses located in Disproportionately Impacted Areas as outlined in Section 149 of Public Act 21-1 (June Sp. Sess.) will have a one-time 90-day application period beginning 12:01 a.m. EST,  February 3, 2022 and ending 11:59 p.m. EST May 3, 2022. 

Only complete applications submitted and paid for by 11:59 p.m. on the closing date will be considered. 


Licensing Pathways Not Subject to the Lottery

These licensing pathways are not subject to the lottery and do not have a closing date for applications:


Apply online at

Applicant and Backer License Limits (Section 40 of PA 21-1)

The Department cannot award a license to any applicant selected through the lottery that has two or more licensees of the same type, or in the same license category, or any applicant that includes a backer that has managerial control of or is a backer of two or more licensees of the same type, or in the same license category. Dispensary facility, retailer and hybrid retailer licenses shall be considered to be within the same license category and producer, cultivator and micro-cultivator licenses shall be considered to be within the same license category.
Reference Pages

Related Links

Contact Information


Licensing - Lotteries and Application Information