Cannabis Employee

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An employee is anyone who is not a backer, but that is a member of the board of a company with an ownership interest in a cannabis establishment, and anyone who is directly employed by a cannabis establishment or has routine access to the establishment and its products.

This credential is for both medical marijuana and adult-use cannabis employees.




Eligible applicants must meet all licensing requirements as outlined in Sections 21a-421 and 21a-421a of Chapter 420h, the Department’s policies and procedures, and all other relevant state and local laws and regulations.


Documentation Requirements


To complete this application, you will need the following:


  1. A current, digital, passport sized image, taken no more than 30 calendar days before the submission of the application:
    • Taken against a plain white or off-white background or backdrop;
    • Two inches by two inches in size;
    • In natural color;
    • Provides a front, unobstructed view of the individual's full face;
    • Has between 1 and 1 3/8 inches from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head
    • Is in “jpeg” format.
  2. A legible copy of a valid Government issued photo ID (i.e. Driver's License, Passport, etc.)
  3. Review the list of disqualifying convictions.

For any of the crimes listed in the link above, if you were convicted of a crime, received a suspended sentence, deferred sentence, or forfeited bail for any offense in criminal or military court or have any charges pending, you will be required to attach a statement providing the date(s) of conviction(s), name of individual(s) involved, the court(s) where the case(s) were decided, a description of the circumstances relating to each offense or for the pending charges and the outcome of the proceedings.




  • All employee licenses expire annually one year from the initial date of issuance.
  • Each employee is required to submit a renewal application and fee to the department at least 45 days prior to the date the existing license expires.
  • If a renewal application is not filed prior to the license’s expiration date, the license will become void until the renewal application is approved.
  • If a renewal application is not submitted within thirty calendar days of the license’s expiration date, the applicant will be required to submit a new application.
Application Fees


License fees are paid for by the licensed cannabis establishment.

  • Initial - $50
  • Renewal - $50


Apply online at

Reference Pages


Related Links


Licensing - Lotteries and Application Information