Workplace and Employee Information
What is a bona fide labor organization?
To be included on the Department’s list of bona fide labor organizations, the labor organization must complete an online application form using the eLicense system.
Licensing Frequently Asked Questions Establishing a Business Workplace and Employee Information Definitions -
I work in a manufacturing facility, where mistakes can lead to injuries or deaths. How does this law protect workplace safety?
This law allows employers to continue to enforce drug-free workplaces and respects the need for employers to maintain workplace safety and remain in compliance with federal laws and contracts.
Cannabis use and Safety Workplace and Employee Information -
Can my employer prohibit me from consuming cannabis products outside of work?
Beginning July 1, 2022, non-exempt employers may not prohibit the off work use of cannabis or take adverse action against a non-exempt employee or a potential employee for a positive THC test unless the employer has adopted a policy that states otherwise.
Cannabis use and Safety Workplace and Employee Information Possession -
Does this bill change where I can use tobacco products?
Yes, similar to other states, Connecticut has a Clean Indoor Air Act, which regulates where tobacco products can be smoked. The cannabis legislation includes the first significant update to the state’s Clean Indoor Air Act since 2004.
Possession Workplace and Employee Information -
What is the role of the Connecticut Labor Department in investigating alleged violations of RERACA?
The Connecticut Labor Department has no investigatory or enforcement role of violations of RERACA.
Workplace and Employee Information -
Does an employer have to provide a reasonable accommodation on the job for an employee who uses cannabis?
No, employers are not required to make accommodations for an employee to perform their job duties while under the influence of cannabis.
Workplace and Employee Information -
If a person believes that their rights under the law have been violated by their employer, what can they do?
If a person believes that a violation of the law has occurred, they may file a civil action in superior court within 90 days of the alleged violation.
Workplace and Employee Information Possession -
May an employee possess cannabis on the employer's premises?
It depends on the employer's written policies.
Workplace and Employee Information Possession -
May an employee ingest cannabis on the employer's premises?
An employer can prohibit the ingestion of cannabis on the employer’s premises.
Workplace and Employee Information Possession -
Is there a testing standard for levels of cannabis like there is for blood alcohol levels?
Workplace and Employee Information Possession Cannabis use and Safety -
How does the difference between state and federal law affect employers?
Connecticut law created exemptions for certain employers and employees who receive federal funding, or whose jobs may be affected by the use of cannabis.
Workplace and Employee Information -
How does an employer determine if cannabis is causing impairment on the job?
The employer must have a reasonable suspicion, based on the totality of the circumstances, that the observed employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol which adversely affects or could adversely affect such employee’s job performance.
Workplace and Employee Information -
Cannabis Information from the Connecticut Department of Labor
Can an employer require an employee to refrain from consuming cannabis during off-duty hours?
Yes, except for medical marijuana patients.
Workplace and Employee Information Possession -
Can an employer or potential employer ask you if you use cannabis?
Generally, an employer may not ask employees whether they are taking prescription medications, including medical marijuana, unless the inquiry is job related and consistent with the business necessity of the employer, such as positions affecting public safety like police, firefighters, airline pilots, etc.
Workplace and Employee Information -
Can a potential employer refuse to hire a prospective employee because of a positive cannabis test?
An employer cannot refuse to hire a person solely on the basis of such person’s or employee’s status as a qualifying patient who uses medical marijuana certified to have an approved condition by a practitioner.
Workplace and Employee Information Possession