Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Certificate of Dealer Registration

Purpose: This registration allows a person to sell, offer for sale or possess with intent to sell an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product.


  • The applicant needs to establish that state and local building, fire, and zoning requirements have been met at the location of any sale.  The applicant may be required to provide documentation proving this requirement has been met.
    The applicant will be exempt from the building, fire, and zoning requirements if they currently hold one of the following licenses or permits at the same location:
    • Retail Gasoline Dealer License
    • Lottery Sales Agent License
    • Pharmacy License
    • Grocery Store Beer Permit   
    • Manufacturer of Hemp Consumables
    • Manufacturer of Drugs, Medical Devices and/or Cosmetics
    • Wholesaler of Drugs, Medical Devices and/or Cosmetics
    • Food Warehouse
  • Package Store Liquor permit holders are not eligible for this registration. 
Each unique business location seeking to sell e-nicotine delivery and vapor products ("E-Cigarettes") is required to obtain an electronic nicotine delivery system certificate of dealer registration for such location.  One registration is required per business location.

Under CGS Sec. 21a-415, a “person” means an E-Cigarette dealer or manufacturer.  Thus, each “dealer” shall be required to register with the Department of Consumer Protection (“DCP”) and be subject to regulation by DCP for each location, not every employee selling E-Cigarettes at each location. 

Wholesaler/distributors of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or Vapor Product are required to be registered as Dealer of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or Vapor Product based on the definitions of "Sale", "Give" and "Deliver" in the statute.

Application Fee:
  • Initial Application Fee - $875 (Application Fee $75 + Initial Registration Fee $800)
  • Renewal Fee - $800
  • If a legal entity holds an active Dealer of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or Vapor Product registration in more than one location, the Initial Application Fee will be a total of $475 and the Renewal Application Fee will be $400.

Additional Information:
  • Expiration Date: This registration expires annually on February 28th.  

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