Gaming Division

The Gaming Division works to ensure the highest degree of integrity in the conduct of all forms of legalized gambling within the State of Connecticut and the federally recognized Tribal Nations within the State. We do this by licensing or permitting all individuals and entities that are involved with legalized gambling, and by monitoring and educating to ensure compliance with the gaming laws and the Tribal-State agreements. We assure public confidence in the honesty and fairness of all facets of gaming for the highest-quality benefit to the State.
Programs and Services:

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The Gaming Division's guiding principles are:
  • Establish and enforce regulations and procedures that assure the public that gaming is conducted honestly and fairly.
  • License only suitable individuals, organizations and vendors of equipment and services to participate in the gaming industry in the State of Connecticut.
  • Provide due process for those individuals who are denied gaming licenses or whose gaming licenses are revoked.
  • Ensure the integrity of games through thorough testing of wagering systems and related equipment, including telecommunication protocols and standards.
  • Conduct a periodic study on the effect of legalized gambling on the citizens of Connecticut.
  • Prohibit minors from attending or participating in any legalized gambling venue within the State of Connecticut pursuant to state law.
  • Support efforts to create public awareness of prevention, education and treatment for the chronic gambler.

Gaming Division Investigators are POSTC certified Police Officers.

The Gaming Division maintains a uniform policy to accept, process, investigate and resolve complaints from members of the public relating to alleged misconduct or malfeasance committed by our Investigators.  Our Complaint Policy is available here.  Complaint forms in English are available here.  Complaint forms in Spanish are available here.  Complaint forms are also available from the street level Security Desk at 450 Columbus Boulevard, Hartford, CT.
