Home Solicitation

"Home solicitation sale" means a sale, lease or rental of consumer goods or services, under one or more contracts, in which the seller or his representative personally solicits the sale, including those in response to an invitation by the buyer; and a buyer’s agreement or offer to purchase is made at a place other than the place of business of the seller.  This includes a sale made at the buyer's home (door-to-door sale).

The Department of Consumer Protection administers Connecticut's Home Solicitation Sales Act. Sellers who violate the Act may face fines up to $500, imprisonment up to 90 days, and penalties under the Unfair Trade Practices Act.  

Among the provisions of the law is the requirement that contracts used in home solicitation sales include a clause providing the consumer with three days to cancel the contract. 

These following terms must be included in any Home Solicitation sales contract: 

  • If you cancel, any or your property that was traded in, or any payments you made under the contract are to be returned to you within ten (10) business days after the seller receives your cancellation notice.
  • If you cancel, you must make the goods available to the seller at your residence.  Items must be in good condition (as when received).  If you wish, you may follow the seller's instructions regarding return shipment of the items at the seller's expense and risk.
  • If you make the goods available to the seller at your home and the seller does not reclaim them within 20 days, you may keep or dispose of the items without further obilgation.

The contract must also explain to you precisely how to cancel the contract under the three-day deadline.
