Unit Pricing

Connecticut law says that anyone who sells, offers, or exposes for sale at retail any consumer commodity shall disclose to the consumer the unit price and total price of such commodity.  This shall be done in one of the following ways:

  • By attachment of a stamp, tag or label directly adjacent to the consumer commodity, on the shelf on which the commodity is displayed; or
  • By stamping or affixing the price information on each unit of a consumer commodity.
    If the consumer commodity is located in such a way that it is not conspicuously visible to the consumer, or is so located that the price information would not be conspicuously visible to the consumer, sellers should post a sign or list bearing such price information conspicuously placed near the point of purchase. 

  • If the consumer commodity is located in such a way that it is not conspicuously visible to the consumer, or is so located that the price information would not be conspicuously visible to the consumer, sellers should post a sign or list bearing such price information conspicuously placed near the point of purchase. 

    Any printed advertisement for the sale of any consumer commodity that compares or otherwise displays different sizes or measures of the same commodity, shall not state the total price of such commodity unless the advertisement also states the unit price of such commodity.

    Complaints or questions can be directed to the Food and Standards Division by emailing dcp.foodandstandards@ct.gov

