Unsolicited Goods

State law prohibits any person or business from voluntarily sending merchandise not actually ordered or requested by the recipient, either orally or in writing, in any manner or by any means, as a way of selling the merchandise. Such unsolicited goods can be considered by the recipients an unconditional gift, which may be used or disposed of without any obligation to the sender.

Any person or business that sells or offers to sell any product or service after providing a trial offer shall provide the recipient of such products or services with clear and conspicuous written notice that the recipient may cancel such products or services upon the expiration of such trial offer.

Such notice shall include the procedure for cancellation and must be provided with any written promotional material for such products or services furnished to the recipient after the expiration of such trial offer, where such trial offer is cancelled or not otherwise renewed or continued by the recipient, shall be deemed an unconditional gift.


Relevant Statute: CGS Title 42, Chapter 739
