Home Inspector - Continuing Education


Hours Required

20 credit hours per two-year cycle.

Timeline for Completion

All continuing education (CE) hours must be completed between April 1 of an odd-numbered year and March 31 of the odd-numbered year two years later. Note: This CE completion deadline is 3 months before the renewal deadline. 

Proof of Completion

All credential holders must attest to the completion of their required continuing education (CE) as part of the renewal process. Certificates of completion and other related records should be retained by the credential holder in case of audit by the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP).


Course Requirements

During each two-year cycle, completed CE must include a course of at least 3 credit hours in current home inspection legislation, licensing laws and regulations.


Courses Available

Currently Approved Home Inspection Continuing Education Courses


Process for schools to submit courses:

  • Review the instructions
  • Login/create account at: www.elicense.ct.gov
  • Select "Initial Application"
  • Select "Occupational Trades"
  • Select "Start" next to "Home Inspection Continuing Education Course (HCE-CRS)"
  • Answer all questions and upload all requested documents, including:
    • Course Name
    • Classroom Hours
    • Course Dates/Locations
    • Course Outline
    • Instructors
    • Fire Marshal Approval
    • Tuition/Refund Policies
    • Course Certificates
    • Advertisements


Failure to Complete

Failure to complete the required continuing education requirements may subject the licensee to civil fines and the revocation or suspension of their license. 



Upon appropriate showing of a bona fide health or other individual hardship, the Home Inspection Licensing Board may grant an exception to the continuing education requirements. Loss of income resulting from cancellation of a license is not a bona fide hardship.

Requests for exceptions shall be submitted in writing not less than sixty days prior to the date of license renewal and shall include an explanation and verification of the hardship.


Exceptions may include, but are not be limited to: (1) Individuals serving in military service; and (2) individuals who are physically handicapped, which handicap prohibits them from sitting for an exam or attending courses.

complete a waiver request form



For questions, please email dcp.continuingeducation@ct.gov


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Why is the continuing education (CE) completion deadline earlier than the renewal deadline?

A. As the renewal period begins well before the expiration date, the 3-month offset ensures that all required CE is completed before the renewal period begins.


