Real Estate Appraiser - Continuing Education

Hours Required

28 credit hours per two-year cycle

Timeline for Completion All continuing education (CE) must be completed between May 1, 2022 and January 31, 2024.  Note: The CE completion deadline is now 3 months prior to the renewal date. Beginning with the 2026 license renewal, the new CE cycle will run from February 1st to January 31st of the even-numbered years.

Proof of Completion

All courses must be uploaded at time of renewal

Instructions for uploading documents throughout the year.

Course Requirements

Courses each cycle must include:

  1. 1 seven (7) hour Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) course taught by a Certified USPAP Instructor
  2. 3hr. CT Real Estate Appraisal Law with Supervisory and Provisional Education course
  3. The remaining 18hours must be credit hours approved by the Connecticut Real Estate Appraisal Commission (CREAC)
  4. All courses must be a minimum of 2hrs.

  • Anyone seeking equivalent education for a non-approved course must submit the course completion certificate, course description, course outline and any other relevant materials to
  • IMPORTANT: Successful completion of fifteen (15) hours of USPAP cannot be used in place of the seven (7) hour USPAP. The seven (7) hour USPAP is the one that is mandatory. The fifteen (15) hour course can be used as an elective.

    Courses Available

    Courses for Continuing Education Real Estate Appraisal 

    Failure to Complete

    Failure to complete the required continuing education requirements may subject the licensee to civil fines and the revocation or suspension of their license.


    Requests for exceptions shall be submitted in writing not less than 60 days prior to the date of license renewal and shall include an explanation and verification of the hardship. Exceptions may include but not be limited to:

    • individuals serving in military service

    Loss of income resulting from cancellation of a license is not a bona fide hardship.

    complete a waiver request form


    For questions, please email

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Q. Why is the continuing education (CE) completion deadline earlier than the renewal deadline?

    A. The change in CE due date was a legislation change made to all department licensees that require CE. It was done in part to aid the department in the auditing process, as many license due dates overlap.

    Q. Must reciprocal licensees complete CE?

    A. Yes, all license holders must complete CE. This includes the CT Appraisal Law with Supervisory/Provisional Education course & the 7hr. USPAP. The 28hrs. must be completed during our CE cycle. We will accept USPAP and electives from licensee’s home state.

