Frequently Asked Questions for Non-Resident Pharmacies

Question 1: How do I obtain a Non-Resident Pharmacy License?

Answer: To obtain a Non-Resident Pharmacy License you must complete the application found on our website and submit a copy of your most recent state inspection or your current home state license. This information must be mailed with the appropriate fee (found on the application) to:

Department of Consumer Protection
License Services
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 801
Hartford, CT 06103

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Question 2 What is the process for the approval of my Non-Resident Pharmacy application?

Answer: Once your application is submitted with the appropriate fee and is determined to be complete, the application will be reviewed by the Connecticut Commission of Pharmacy at the next Pharmacy Commission meeting.

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Question 3: Approximately how long will it take for a Non-Resident Pharmacy application to be approved?

Answer: In general the approval process takes no longer than 60 days provided that the application submitted is complete. Once your application is submitted it will be in a PENDING status until it is approved by the Commission of Pharmacy.

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Question 4: How do I change the address of my Non-Resident Pharmacy License?

Answer: Within thirty (30) days of the address change, the registrant must submit the Relocation Application for Out-of-State Pharmacy with the $190 fee. The application can be found at Pharmacy License Outside the State of Connecticut

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Question 5: How do I change the name and address of the Pharmacist Manager for my Non-Resident Pharmacy license?

Answer: Within thirty (30) days of a change of Pharmacist Manager for the Non-Resident Pharmacy, the registrant must submit The Change of Pharmacy Manager for Out-of-State Pharmacy application with the $90 fee. The application can be found at Pharmacy License Outside the State of Connecticut  

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Question 6: How do I change the officer(s) and/or director(s) for my Non-Resident Pharmacy License?

Answer: Within thirty (30) days of a change of officers and/or director(s) for the Non-Resident Pharmacy, the registrant must submit The Change of Officers/Directors for Out-of-State Pharmacy application with the $60 fee. The application can be found at Pharmacy License Outside the State of Connecticut

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Question 7: What is required for a change of ownership for my Non-Resident Pharmacy License?

Answer: Within thirty (30) days of a change of ownership for the Non-Resident Pharmacy, the registrant must submit The Change of Owner Application for Out-of-State application with the $90 fee. The application can be found at Pharmacy License Outside the State of Connecticut

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Question 8: How do I change my pharmacy name on my Non-Resident Pharmacy License?

Answer: Within thirty (30) days of the pharmacy name change for the Non-Resident Pharmacy, the registrant must submit The Change of Name Application for Out-of-State application with the $90 fee. The application can be found at Pharmacy License Outside the State of Connecticut

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Question 9: If I have a pharmacy license, do I need a Wholesaler of Drugs, Medical Devices and/or Cosmetics to be eligible for the competitive bidding process with Medicare?

Answer: No. The Connecticut Non-Resident Pharmacy License allows you to distribute durable medical equipment, medical devices, oxygen, etc., pursuant to a prescription to a resident in the State of Connecticut. 

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