Electronic Nicotine Frequently Asked Questions

Effective February 19, 2016, the "Act requires each unique business locations seeking to sell e-nicotine delivery and vapor products ("E-Cigarettes") to obtain an electronic nicotine delivery system certificate of dealer registration ("Registration") for such location.  One Registration is required per business location.


Under the Act a “person” means an E-Cigarette dealer or manufacturer.  Thus, each “dealer” shall be required to register with the Department of Consumer Protection (“DCP”) and be subject to regulation by DCP for each location, not every employee selling E-Cigarettes at each location.  

Wholesaler/distributors of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or Vapor Product are required to be registered as Dealer of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or Vapor Product based on the definitions of "Sale", "Give" and "Deliver" in the Act.

Out of state manufacturers do not have to register as manufacturers in CT provided they are not manufacturing in CT.  Out of state manufacturers that sell/distribute in Connecticut must obtain a dealer registration with DCP.  Out of state manufacturers that sell to another out of state entity that sells/distributes in Connecticut do not have to register, but the other out of state entity that is selling/distributing in CT must register as a dealer in CT.
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Frequently asked questions – Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Dealer Registration


1. When will the registration for Electronic Nicotine Delivery System sellers/dealers go into effect?

  • Effective January 1, 2016, no person in this state may sell, offer for sale or possess with intent to sell an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product unless such person has obtained an Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Certificate of Dealer registration from the Department of Consumer Protection. 

2. What does the Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Dealer Registration allow me to do?

3. What is an “electronic nicotine delivery system?”

  • An electronic nicotine delivery system is an electronic device that may be used to simulate smoking for the delivery of nicotine or other substances to a person inhaling from the device.  This includes but is not limited to an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe or electronic hookah and any related device and any such cartridge, electronic cigarette liquid or other component of such device.

4. What is a “vapor product?”

  • A vapor product is any product that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit or other electronic, chemical or mechanical means regardless of shape or size, to produce a vapor that may or may not include nicotine, which is inhaled by the user of such product.

5. What is an “electronic cigarette liquid?”

  • Electronic cigarette liquid is a liquid that, when used in an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product, produces a vapor that may or may not include nicotine and is inhaled by the user of such electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product.

6. When must a seller of electronic nicotine delivery systems and vapor product cigarettes be registered by?

  • No later than March 1, 2016.

7. What is the expiration date of my Electronic Nicotine Delivery System registration?

  • February 28th every year.    

8. Do I have to display my certificate?

  • Yes, the certificate issued by the Department of Consumer Protection must be posted in a “prominent location adjacent to electronic nicotine delivery system products or vapor products.”

9. Is there an inspection required prior to obtaining this registration?

  • The Department may conduct an investigation to determine whether a certificate of dealer registration shall be issued to an applicant.  

10.  Does my registration to sell cigarettes and tobacco products with the Department of Revenue Services include electronic cigarettes?

  • No, electronic cigarettes and vapor products are separately registered with the Department of Consumer Protection.


11.  Is a wholesaler or distributor of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems required to register as a Dealer of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or Vapor Product?
  • Yes.


12.  Are individuals who sell, wholesaler or distribute that are located outside of the State of Connecticut required to Register as a Dealer of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or Vapor Products?
  • Yes.


For information on how to apply and more, click here.



Frequently asked questions – Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Manufacturer Registration

1. When will the registration for Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Manufacturer go into effect?

  • Effective January 1, 2016, no person in this state may sell, offer for sale or possess with intent to sell an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product unless such person has obtained an electronic nicotine delivery system certificate of manufacturer registration from the Department of Consumer Protection.

2. What does the Electronic Nicotine Delivery System Manufacturer Registration allow me to do?


3. What is an “electronic nicotine delivery system?”

  • An electronic nicotine delivery system is an electronic device that may be used to simulate smoking in the delivery of nicotine or other substances to a person inhaling from the device.  This includes but is not limited to an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe or electronic hookah and any related device and any such cartridge, electronic cigarette liquid or other component of such device.

4. What is a “vapor product?”

  • A vapor product is any product that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit or other electronic, chemical or mechanical means regardless of shape or size, to produce a vapor that may or may not include nicotine, which is inhaled by the user of such product.

5. What is an “electronic cigarette liquid?”

  • Electronic cigarette liquid is a liquid that, when used in an electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product, produces a vapor that may or may not include nicotine and is inhaled by the user of such electronic nicotine delivery system or vapor product.

6. When must a Manufacturer of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and vapor product cigarettes be registered by?

  • No later than March 1, 2016.

7. What is the expiration date of my Electronic Nicotine Delivery System registration?

  • February 28th every year.    

8. Do I have to display my certificate?

  • Yes, the certificate issued by the Department of Consumer Protection must be posted in a “prominent location adjacent to electronic nicotine delivery system products or vapor products.”

9. Is there an inspection required prior to getting this registration?

  • The Department may conduct an investigation to determine whether a certificate of dealer registration shall be issued to an applicant.  

10. Do manufacturers of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and Vapor Products that reside outside of the State of Connecticut need to register as a Manufacturer of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems?

  • Yes, the registration for the in state manufacturer is the same as the a manufacturer outside of the state. 


11. Does my registration to sell cigarettes and tobacco products with the Department of Revenue Services include electronic cigarettes?
  • No, electronic cigarettes and vapor products are separately registered with the Department of Consumer Protection.


For information on how to apply and more, click here.
