Joint Practice Firms


The purpose or the offer to practice of any combination of the following professional services in this state by licensed individuals under a single legal entity. Professional services are:

  • Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Land Surveying
  • Professional Engineering



You must be registered with the Secretary of State in Connecticut as a domestic or foreign firm at the time of this application.


Required Documentation:

A complete Licensee Responsible for Signing and Sealing form signed by the licensee and the firm for each individual for each professional service.


Ownership Requirements:

  • All legal entity types must have two-thirds ownership by CT licensed individuals.
  • Service or profession offered must be identified.
  • Applicant must have a CT licensed individual identified for each service or profession offered.
  • Each service or profession offered must have a CT licensed individual(s) that must own 20%. For example - A Joint Practice offering architecture and land surveying must have two-thirds ownership by CT licensed individuals and a licensed architect and a licensed land surveyor must own 20% of the firm.


New Application:

  • Legal entities (both in-state and out-of-state) must register their business with the CT Secretary of State’s Office prior to applying.
  • If your legal entity will provide other services in Connecticut in addition to architecture like engineering, land surveying or landscape architecture, you must apply as a Joint Practice Firm.
  • Application fee of $565.00 is non-refundable.


apply_online  OR




All Joint Practice firm registrations expire on April 30th annually.  Annual renewal fee is $375.00.

Renew Online 



All firms can reinstate provided their registration has expired for less than 3 years.  Over 3 years would require a new application.

Reinstate Online




Laws and Regulations


Email for licensing inquiries:


