Generate a Roster of Licenses, Permits, Registrations

If you do not need instructions, you can proceed to run a roster.
If you do need instructions, please review or print the step-by step directions below before proceeding. 
When you are ready, run your roster, or enter the URL into your web browser.

On the eLicensing screen, click on “ONLINE SERVICES" on the top right of the page.

online services

Then click on "Generate Roster(s)"

generate roster

At the next screen, you will see a long list of major categories. Click on the title of the category of interest to you, and then select the specific roster you would like to see.

available rosters

Scroll to the bottom and click "Continue".


On the next screen, select type of report (Excel works best for sorting) and then press “Download” button.

roster 6

When the next screen pops up, select "open."

roster 7

In the Excel report, you can manipulate the data and save it to your computer as a new roster.

roster 8
