Bedding & Upholstered Furniture Importer


  • The Connecticut definition of an importer is “any person who imports bedding and upholstered furniture from outside the United States.” The fee for the importer license is $100 annually and will always expire on April 30th. An importer, with the one license, can import an unlimited number of manufacturers.

Required Documentation:   

  • Each individual bedding and upholstered furniture manufacturer must be licensed in the State of Connecticut with its own individual URN for the factory location. A separate manufacturer license must be completed and submitted with the fee of $100.00. The importer may put their name and address in the mailing address section on the manufacturer license application if they are taking responsibility for the payment of the license and renewal.

Bedding & Upholstered Furniture Importer Application:

      apply online button or Initial Importer Mail-in Application

  • Application Fee: $100.00 


All importer licenses expire annually on April 30th. Renewal Fee: $100.00                

Email Address:

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