Bedding and Upholstered Furniture Secondhand Dealer Reinstatement

IMPORTANT: If there has been a change in ownership, a new application must be submitted. Please click here to access the initial application.

Reinstatement Prerequisites:

  • A bedding & upholstered furniture secondhand dealer license may be reinstated, provided a completed reinstatement form and all applicable fees are submitted not later than three (3) years after the date of expiration of the license. Any such reinstated license shall expire on the next succeeding April 30th.

To download the paper reinstatement form click on the link below:

To complete the reinstatement online:

  • If you have your User Id and Password, please go to to access your account.
  • You may request your User ID and Password by emailing the following information to
  1. Name
  2. License type
  3. License number
  4. Email address

Questions can be emailed to the License Services Division at
