Controlled Substances Practitioner Registration - Reinstatement

Reinstate a practitioner with an expired license and allow the individual to prescribe controlled substances in Connecticut

All registrations expire biennially on February 28th. A completed form with the applicable fee will reinstate the indicated registration to the current renewal year.

Required Documentation:
A registration may be reinstated provided this reinstatement form and the applicable fee are submitted not later than two years after the date of expiration or you must reapply. 

Applications, Forms & Other: 

Online Reinstatement:

  • If you have your User Id and Password, please go to to access your account.
  • You may request your User ID and Password by emailing the following information to
  1. Name
  2. Registration type
  3. Registration number
  4. Email address

Questions can be emailed to the License Services Division at

Email Address:

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