Professional Engineer - Initial Licensing and Exam Information


This application is for an individual who is requesting approval to sit for the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Exam. Candidates must be pre-approved by the Board before registering for the PE exam through NCEES.



1.    Passed the NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Exam or in the process of taking the exam.

2.    Education-Completed a basic engineering degree (BS degree). At least 48-credit hours in engineering courses.

        a.  Candidates who hold a non-engineering undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in engineering must have their degrees evaluated by NCEES showing that the combined degrees shows at least 48-credit hours in engineering courses.

        b.  Candidates with foreign undergraduate degrees must be evaluated by NCEES.

    Experience - Must have acceptable engineering experience following a basic degree in engineering. The experience must be completed at the time of application not at the time of exam.

  a.   Candidates applying under Class 1 (Accredited degree in engineering) require 4 years of engineering experience following the degree.

  b.   Candidates applying under Class 2 (Accredited degree in engineering technology) require 7 years of engineering experience following the degree.

  c.   When an advanced degree in engineering has been awarded at an approved institution, “education in residence” may be considered as part of the experience requirement. This means that the candidate was attending school fulltime when completing their postgraduate degree(s). The Board will credit one year of engineering experience.

  d.   Foreign experience - The Board may credit some experience outside the US providing the experience is well documented.


4.    Endorsers - Five endorsers must sign off on your application - which three (3) must be licensed US engineers and one endorser must appear in your experience record.


Required Documentation:

     1.    apply online button  OR  Professional Engineer

2.    Verification of Education

3.    Verification of Registration or Examination

4.    Experience for Professional Engineer

5.    Personal Signatures of Endorsers


Email address for licensing inquiries:


