Public Service Technician Registration Form

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Public Service Telecommunications Technician:


“Public service technician” means an employee of a public service company or certified telecommunications provider, as defined in section 16-1, or any affiliate of any such company or provider, who is engaged in telecommunications electrical work and who is not otherwise exempt from licensing pursuant to section 20-340.

Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, a public service technician may be issued a certificate of registration by the Department of Consumer Protection, in consultation with the Electrical Work Board, in lieu of any license which otherwise might be required under this chapter, which shall entitle the holder of such certificate to perform telecommunications electrical work only as provided in this section, provided the public service company, certified telecommunications provider or affiliate which employs the public service technician certifies to the Department of Consumer Protection that the employee has obtained such training and experience deemed necessary by the public service company, certified telecommunications provider or affiliate to perform telecommunications electrical work included in such employee's job functions.


Public Service Gas Technician:   

“Gas service work” means the repair, alteration or maintenance of equipment, appliances, accessories or fixtures within or adjacent to a building or structure in connection with the utilization of gas supplied by a public service company.

“Public service gas technician” means an employee of a public service company, as defined in section 16-1, who is engaged in the supervision or performance of gas service work.

Notwithstanding any provisions of chapter 393 to the contrary, a public service gas technician shall be issued a certificate of registration by the Department of Consumer Protection in lieu of any license which otherwise might be required under said chapter, which shall entitle the holder of such certificate to perform gas service work only as provided in this section, provided the public service company which employs the public service gas technician certifies to the Department of Consumer Protection that the employee has obtained such training and experience deemed necessary by the public service company to perform gas service work included in such employee's job functions. All public service gas technicians employed by a public service company prior to July 1, 1995, who have completed a gas public service company's training program or are participating in such a program on said date shall be issued a certificate of registration upon the payment of the fee required in subsection (h) of this section.


Application Fee:


$210.00 ($90.00 application fee + $120.00 initial registration fee)




All Public Service Technician registrations expire annually on September 30th.  Renewal Fee: $120.00  



 To complete the reinstatement online:

  • If you have your User ID and Password, please go to to access your account
  • You may request your User ID and Password by emailing the following information to
    1. Name

    2. Registration Number

    3. Email Address

Email Address:




