Real Estate - Non-Reciprocal

This application is for an individual broker or salesperson who holds an active license in a non-reciprocal state.  List of Reciprocal States.     
  • Have an active real estate license in good standing in another state.
  • Passed a written real estate licensing examination in the state in which you are actively licensed.
  • Successfully complete the state portion of the CT Real Estate Licensing Examination administered by PSI.

Required Documentation:

  • Completed non-reciprocal application and application fee. 
  • A certification of license history/license verification generated by the licensing authority in every state in which you currently hold or ever held a real estate license. The license history must include how you obtained your license in that state.
  • After the application is reviewed and approved by this office, you will receive instructions to register and schedule the examination. 


Non-Reciprocal Application  or  Apply Online

After the successful completion of the CT Real Estate Licensing Examination:

  • Brokers: Provide the original signed PSI score report and pay the $1,150.00 license activation fee.  
    • NOTE: If you plan to do business as a business entity (LLC, Corporation, Partnership) you must obtain a broker license in the name of that business entity. Follow these application procedures first; then AFTER you pass the CT Broker Licensing Examination, download the New Business Entity Application and mail with the fee of $1,270.00 and your passing broker exam score report.
  • Salespersons: Provide the original PSI score reports signed by you and your CT licensed supervising broker and pay the $590.00 license fee. 


  • Broker licenses expire on November 30th of every even-numbered year. 
  • Salesperson licenses expire on May 31st of every even-numbered year.
  • Renewal & CE Information
Other Information:

Email Address:

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