Real Estate - Reciprocal


This application is for an individual Broker or Salesperson who is actively licensed by examination in a reciprocal state. List of Reciprocal States

  • Have an active license in good standing in a reciprocal state.
  • Passed the real estate licensing examination in the reciprocal state at the time of obtaining your license.
  • For salesperson applicants - supervising broker must have an active Connecticut broker license.
  • All applicants applying by reciprocity from the following states: Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio or applicants who have not taken the real estate licensing examination in a reciprocal state will be required to take the State Portion of the Connecticut Real Estate Examination administered by PSI. After the application is reviewed and approved, you will receive instructions to register and schedule the examination.

Required Documentation: 

  • Completed application.
  • Certification of license history/verification received directly from the reciprocal state. The license history must confirm you have an active license issued by examination.
  • Certification of license history/verification received from all other states in which you were ever issued a real estate license.    

Reciprocal Application Forms   OR   Apply Online


  • Broker: $1,270.00 ($120 application fee*; $1,130 initial license fee; $20 guaranty fund fee)

  • Salesperson: $670.00 ($80 application fee*; $570 initial license fee; $20 guaranty fund fee) 

  • *Application fees are non-refundable.  

Renewal & CE:

  • Broker licenses expire November 30th every even-numbered year.  
  • Salesperson licenses expire May 31st. every even-numbered year. 
  • Renewal & CE Information

Broker Business Entities:
If you plan to do business as a business entity (Limited Liability Company, Corporation or Limited Liability Partnership) you must obtain a broker license in the name of that business entity. Please refer to the New Business Entity Application for information and instructions.

Email Address:

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