Ride Listing

Each ride in active use by an amusement park or a carnival must be listed with the Department of Consumer Protection for the purposes of inspection. Listing need only be completed once, prior to its initial inspection. However, each year that the ride is in operation, the ride operator must submit the current engineering report. The listing and annual report submission must be completed online via the state's eLicense system.

Questions: DCP.rideinspection@ct.gov

Ride Listing

  1. Login to the system using the userid and password associated with the park/carnival - DO NOT create a new login. If you do not know the login information, use the "forgot password" and/or "forgot user ID" features as needed.
  2. If you are unsure which rides are currently listed under your account, run the "Rides Listed" report
  3. Under "Online Services" select "Initial Application"
  4. Under "Amusement Permits" click on "Start" next to "Ride Listing"
  5. Follow instructions and "Submit"

Report Submission

  1. Login to the system using the userid and password associated with the park/carnival - DO NOT create a new login. If you do not know the login information, use the "forgot password" and/or "forgot user ID" features as needed.
  2. Under "Online Services" select "License Maintenance"
  3. Click "Start" next to the ride for which you would like to submit the report.
  4. Note: To determine the Ride credential number, run the "Rides Listed" report
  5. Follow instructions and "Submit"

