Swimming Pool & Spa Apprentice Trainee

Registration Prerequisites:

  • When registration is requested for an area of the trade which is not available through the Connecticut Department of Labor, said contractor shall make his/her request to the appropriate board prior to the employment of the employee.

  • No person that has been issued an apprentice / trainee registration shall at any time engage in any work for which a license is required without direct supervision. Direct supervision and/or hearing of said licensed person and not exceeding one apprentice / trainee to each person on site.


Maintenance and Repair Trainees Cleaning and Backwash

Sec. 20-417aa-2. Trainee requirements

A swimming pool maintenance and repair trainee shall not engage in the draining, acid washing and backwash filtration of a swimming pool for which an SP-1 or SP-2 license is required, unless such trainee (1) is under direct supervision, or (2) has completed a minimum of forty (40) hours of on-the-job training. For the purposes of this section, "direct supervision" means under the guidance of a licensed swimming pool maintenance and repair contractor or journeyman, and within the sight or hearing distance of such licensed individual.


Required Documentation:

  • Attach applicant training program outline including content and hours for both related instruction and on the job training which shall be followed.
  • Attach list of all licensed persons and license numbers and type(s) that are available to supervise and train such applicant.

Applications, Forms & Other:

Application Fee:

  • None

Mailing Address:

Department of Consumer Protection
Occupational & Professional Licensing Division
450 Columbus Boulevard, Ste 901                                Hartford, CT 06106

Email Address:

