Homemaker Companion Agency Reinstatement

IMPORTANT: If you change your organizational structure, for example, from individual/sole proprietor to Limited Liability Company or Corporation you must reapply for a new registration. Please click here to access the New Application.

Reinstatement Prerequisites:

  • A homemaker-companion agency registration may be reinstated, provided a completed reinstatement form and all applicable fees are submitted not later than three (3) years after the date of expiration of the registration.  Any such reinstated registration shall expire on the next succeeding October 31st. 
  • All Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships are required to hold an active Certificate of Good Standing with the Connecticut Secretary of the State.  You may check the status of your entity online at www.sots.ct.gov.
  • All homemaker-companion agencies must provide proof of the required surety bond of $10,000 or more.

To download the paper reinstatement form click on the link below:

To complete the reinstatement online:

  1. Name
  2. Registration type
  3. Registration number
  4. Email address

Questions can be emailed to the License Services Division at dcp.licenseservices@ct.gov
