Cafe - Tobacco Bar Liquor Permit

NOTE: This permit is for existing tobacco shops to add alcohol.  This permit is NOT for a bar or restaurant to add smoking. 

Update 8/30/2023 - How to Access Online Application

August 2, 2023


From the Office of M. Caitlin S. Anderson

Liquor Control Division Director


RE: Application Timeline for New Café-Tobacco Bar Permit


The Department of Consumer Protection is actively creating an online application for the Café-Tobacco Bar liquor permit created by the Legislature in Public Act 23-103.  To ensure all interested applicants a fair and equitable opportunity to obtain a permit, the Department will implement the following process:


·       September 1, 2023:  The online application will go live on  Applications will be accepted online only.  Detailed instructions will be available on the Department’s Tobacco Bar permit page.  Preliminary instructions are currently available (below).


·       October 2, 2023: All applications must be submitted on eLicense by 11:59 p.m. to be considered in the first round of Café-Tobacco Bar permit selection.


·       October 16, 2023: The Department will finish internal review of all submitted applications and send any deficiency notices apprising applicants of issues with their applications no later than close of business.  The Department will review applications as they are received but ensures that all deficiency notifications will be completed by this date. 


·       October 17-October 23, 2023:  All applicants will have the opportunity to remedy any noted deficiencies and resubmit supporting application documents.  Any deficiencies must be remedied by 5:00 p.m. on October 23. 


·       October 27, 2023: Department will finish review of all deficiency materials and confirm that applications are complete by close of business. 

o   If only one completed application is received per eligible town, a placard will be sent to the applicant.  The applicant may choose to proceed with the provisional permit process approval or wait for final permit approval.  The town will now be deemed at capacity, and no other applications will be considered at this time.

o   If more than one completed application is received per town, all completed applications will proceed to a tie-breaker drawing. 


·       October 30, 2023: A tie-breaker drawing will be held for any town where more than one complete application is received.  The drawing will be done randomly via computer.  The selected applicant will then receive a placard.  The applicant may then choose to proceed with the provisional permit process approval or wait for final permit approval.  The town will now be deemed at capacity, and no other applications will be considered at this time.


In the event an applicant receives a placard and does not ultimately receive a final permit for any reason (e.g., withdrawal, remonstrance, denial after hearing, etc.), the Department will reopen the town for new applications in the following manner:

·       For any town where more than one complete application was received and a tie-breaker drawing was held, the Department will re-use the non-selected applications.  If only one additional application was not selected during the tie-breaker drawing, it will automatically receive a placard.  If two or more additional applications were not selected during the tie-breaker drawing, a second drawing will be held.  

·       For any town where only one complete application was received, the Department will reactivate the online application for that town only.  Applications will be considered on a first-filed basis.  

Tobacco Bar Preliminary Application Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions


1.      What happens if a town requires a special zoning meeting before allowing zoning officials and town clerk to approve tobacco bar applications?


If it comes to the Department’s attention that one municipality needs additional time to hold public hearings and sign off on applications, we will modify the proposed application timeline for that one municipality. 



2.     Do I have to begin providing health insurance coverage if I don’t already have it?


Our application will contain an attestation that the applicant provides health coverage to its employees and their dependents in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and other applicable law.  Therefore, if the tobacco shop is not required by law to provide insurance under their specific circumstances, then they need not provide it and can still justifiably answer the question “yes”.   If the applicant has any question about whether s/he is obligated to provide their own insurance option, they should seek consults with the appropriate professionals.  
