Temporary Auction “Auctioneer” Permit


What does the Temporary Auction Permit allow?

The Temporary Auction Permit allows the sale of beer, spirits and wine through an auction conducted by a professional auctioneer.  The auction may be conducted in person or online.  The alcohol must be obtained from individual collectors, package stores, cancelled restaurant permits, or cancelled café permits. 


Who can apply for a Temporary Auction Permit?

Only an auctioneer can apply for this permit.  The auctioneer must be the applicant and the backer of the permit.  An “auctioneer” is a person who regularly provides professional auctioning services.  An auctioneer cannot hold any other type of liquor permit.


I want to do an auction as a fundraiser.  Do I need this permit?

NO.  This is only for professional auctioneers conducting auctions for profit.  If you want to accept donations of alcohol or buy alcohol to auction as a fundraiser for your noncommercial group, please apply for a Temporary Noncommercial Permit


Where and how can the auctioneer source the alcohol?

The alcohol for auction must be carefully sourced and maintain the manufacturer’s original intact seal.  It can be obtained from package stores, cancelled restaurant permits, cancelled café permits, and individual collectors. “Individual collectors” are people not affiliated with any other liquor permit in Connecticut.  More specifically, individual collectors cannot be a backer or permittee, an employee, or a director or officer of any backer of another Connecticut liquor permit.

The auctioneer may buy the alcohol from the above-mentioned authorized sources.  The auctioneer also may accept alcohol on consignment from the above-mentioned authorized sources.  Note that if the item is obtained from a package store, the price paid to the package store and starting consignment bid cannot be less than the minimum bottle price for that item. 


Can the auctioneer offer tastings of items being auctioned?

Yes, provided notice is provided to the Department at least thirty days before the auction. Tastings cannot exceed more than ten uncorked or open cans or bottles at any one time. The auctioneer must ensure that minors and intoxicated persons do not receive tastings.  Municipalities may preclude the offering of tastings by local ordinance.


What happens with alcoholic products sold during the auction?

The auctioneer is responsible for delivering the product to the winner of the auction.  The auctioneer must verify that the winner is not a minor or intoxicated at the time of receipt.  The auctioneer may ship the item to a consumer in Connecticut by using a licensed transporter and following shipping label requirements.


What happens with alcoholic products not sold during the auction?

The auctioneer must return the item(s) to where it was sourced within 10 days from the end date of the auction.


What are the hours I’m allowed to run the auction under this permit?

You may run your auction during the following times: Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m., and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. 


How long does the Temporary Auction Permit last?

This permit cannot last longer than three consecutive days. This permit cannot be renewed.  Every new auction requires a new permit.  An auctioneer may secure up to four temporary auction permits in any calendar year. 


Application Process


What is the application process for a Temporary Auction Permit?

Applying for a permit is a multi-step process, but the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) is here to answer your questions and provide the forms, information, and assistance you need. 

Below is a brief overview the steps in the application process (see further down for detailed information and screenshots):

  1. Complete the Temporary Auction Permit application:This application is available online at www.elicense.ct.gov.Fill out the application and upload the documents required. You will need to obtain signatures on a designated form from your local town clerk and zoning officer from the town where the auction is being held.
  2. DCP review: Your application will be reviewed by DCP staff for completeness.If there are any issues with your application or the documents submitted, you’ll receive a notice that explains what needs to be fixed.
  3. Final approval: Once DCP determines that your application is complete, your application will be submitted to the Liquor Control Commission or their designee for approval.If approved, you will receive your permit and can run your auction.If not approved for any reason, your application will be scheduled for an administrative hearing before the Liquor Control Commission.


When do I apply?

You must apply at least sixty days before the first day of the auction.  We encourage you to apply early in case we have questions about your application.


How much does the Temporary Auction Permit cost?

It costs $175 per day, plus a $100 application fee. 


What information do I need for the application?

The backer: The auctioneer controlling and running the auction will be the “backer” of the permit, which means it is sponsoring the permit.  We will need the name and business address of auctioneer. 


The permittee: We need the name and contact information for one individual who will be responsible for the alcohol.  This person will be the “permittee” and is the person we can talk to about the application or if there are any issues with the event.  Here, this will be the auctioneer. 


 Local approval: Local officials must confirm that you are allowed to auction alcohol at your venue.  This requires a form signed by the town clerk and zoning official for the town where your venue is located.  You will fill out the signature form, print it, and bring it to local officials.  Once fully signed, scan it or take a picture and have it ready to upload as part of your online application. 



Online Application Instructions


The instructions below will help you access the Temporary Auction Permit.  Please note that this application will be accepted online only


Step 1:  Create eLicense account. To complete this application, you must be signed into eLicense using an account registered to backer (the auctioneer). In other words, when you set up the eLicense account, you must use the auctioneer’s name, include their business information and should selected the “individual” option.  (Note: If you previously created an eLicense account in the auctioneer’s name, you may utilize that account which may reduce the amount of information you need to enter.)

To set up an account, visit www.eLicense.ct.gov.  Click “Register.”

On the next screen, select “Individual.” 


On the next screen, you will enter your account information.  This will require you to create a user ID and password, and enter an email address.  This information is important.  This email address will be primary way the Department communicates about your application and the email address tied to the final permit, if issued.  Choose an email address that is frequently checked and will continue to be monitored after the application period.  Please maintain the user ID and password for future use, too. (Note: If you would like an attorney or consultant to receive information about your application, there will be an opportunity to enter their contact information when you fill out the application.  Do not enter that information here.)



Next, you will enter the information about the auctioneer, including name and address.  This should be the address used by the auctioneer for all tax and business purposes; it may be different than the venue for the auction.


Finally, complete the Captcha and click “create account.”

Step 2.  Verify your account.  The first time you log into eLicense utilizing your account, you’ll need to verify the account and the email address provided. 


Step 3. Access the application.  After you are fully logged in, you may start your application. 

Click on the “Online Services” menu in the top right of the screen. 


From the drop down menu, select “Initial Application.”


You will come to the online applications screen. (First photo)  Scroll until you see “Liquor-Retail Permits,” and click the down arrow. (Second photo).


Click on the link for “Temporary Auction Permit.” You will enter the application and can begin filling it out.  


Note that you do not have to complete the application all at once.  You may save your work and come back to it.  Simply follow the instructions above (“Online Services” -- “Initial Application”) and when you come to the main online application screen, you will see a link to your pending application.


For any additional questions, please contact the Department of Consumer Protection Liquor Control Division at DCP.LiquorControl@ct.gov
