Temporary Liquor Permit for Noncommercial Entity (LTN)

*Please be advised that Public Act 23-50 has repealed all previous temporary liquor permit types and replaced them with one temporary permit type, the LTN permit, effective July 1, 2023. Effective immediately, please follow the new application steps below.  Old versions of the paper application will be phased out and ultimately not accepted.*

What does this permit allow?

  • This permit allows noncommercial entities to sell beer, cider, wine, and spirits at fundraising events or social gatherings they conduct. The proceeds of the event or gathering must be used to support the tax-exempt activities of the noncommercial entity. If no money is collected, the event must still support the mission of the entity (for example, raising awareness about the entity’s activities).
    • Note: For those who previously applied for temporary permits, this one permit replaces the five former temporary charitable and nonprofit permits (LCO, LTA, LTB, LSP, LNC). The Legislature repealed those permits and merged them into this one permit (LTN).

  • This permit also allows noncommercial entities to auction beer, cider, wine, or spirits. The auction can be conducted in-person at an event or on-line. The proceeds of the auction must be used to support the tax-exempt activities of the noncommercial entity.
  • Note: This permit does not allow you to raffle alcohol.  The raffling of any type of alcoholic beverage is prohibited by municipal statutes. See Conn. Gen. Stat. § 7-177.


    Who can apply?

    • Any noncommercial entity may apply, which means the entity does not conduct business for commercial reasons or to earn monetary compensation. This includes those organizations with 501(c)(3) status, but any organization with tax-exempt status may apply.  Municipal entities, government organizations, non-profits, schools, religious institutions, and charities may all apply.


    • Nonprofit clubs and golf clubs that currently hold a liquor permit on their club premise may also apply for this permit if they plan to hold a fundraising event at another location.



    Do I need a permit? (Hint: The answer is almost always yes!)

    • To sell alcohol in Connecticut and keep profits from selling alcohol, you must have a permit. “Sell” is broadly interpreted, and this means most events will require a permit.
      • Example: A charity wants to hold a fundraising gala where the ticket price includes dinner with an open bar for attendees. This requires a temporary permit because alcohol is sold as part of the ticket.
      • Example: A nonprofit organization is sponsoring a dinner that offers a cash bar. All proceeds from the event and cash bar will be collected by the organization. A permit is necessary because it is keeping the proceeds of the cash bar.


    • If you want to accept any donations of alcohol from licensed wholesalers, manufacturers, or package stores for your event, you will need a permit.
      • Example: A noncommercial literacy organization is sponsoring a free book reading. They hired a caterer to serve light refreshments and wine to guests for free. A package store has agreed to donate all the wine. Even though they are not selling the wine or tickets to the event, temporary permit is required to accept the alcohol donation.


    How do I get the alcoholic beverages for my event with a permit?

    • Donations: You may accept donations of beer, cider, wine, and spirits from Connecticut wholesalers, manufacturers, and package stores. This permit must be secured before you can accept donations.


    • Purchase: You may purchase beer, cider, wine, and spirits from any package store or manufacturer in Connecticut. You cannot purchase anything except kegs from a wholesaler.


    • Hire: You may hire a caterer or, if your event is in a venue that already holds a liquor license, utilize the alcohol on premise.



    How long is the permit good for and how much does it cost?

    • These are temporary permits and cannot be valid for more than 20 total days in any calendar year. The days do not need to be consecutive, but the permit can only be used for one event. These permits cannot be renewed, and a new application is needed for each new event.
      • Example: A charity is holding a dinner speaker series as a fundraiser, and the ticket price includes alcohol. The series is being held the first Friday of every month and is held in the same location. This is the same fundraising event, and only one permit is needed. It will be valid for those twelve days only.
      • Example: A nonprofit holds two galas each year, one in the winter and one in the summer. These are two different events, and two different permits are needed.
      • Example: A parent-teacher committee is fundraising for classroom supplies by holding an online auction that will run for two weeks. This is one event, and the permit will be valid for those two weeks that bids are accepted.


    • The fee for these permits is $50 per day, plus a nonrefundable $10 application fee.
      • Example: A permit for a one-day event will cost $60.
      • Example: A permit for a two-week auction will cost $290.


    What hours can I sell alcohol?

    • You may only sell alcohol at your event during the following hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. through 1:00 a.m. the next day; Friday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 a.m. the next day; and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. through 1:00 a.m. the next day.



    What information do I need for the application?

    • The event: We need the details of the event, including the date(s), time, and location or venue.


    • The backer: The noncommercial entity will be the “backer” of the permit, which means it is sponsoring the permit. We will need the name and business address of the entity, plus proof of tax-exempt or non-commercial status, like a federal IRS notice. You’ll be asked to enter the entity’s CT State Sales Tax ID and Federal Tax ID number (FEIN), if applicable.


    • The permittee: We need the name and contact information for one individual who will be responsible for the alcohol at the event. This person will be the “permittee” and is the person we can talk to about the application or if there are any issues with the event.


    • Local approval: Local officials must confirm that you are allowed to serve alcohol at your venue. This requires a form signed by the town clerk, fire marshal, and zoning official. If your event is located at a venue where there is already a liquor permit (e.g., a bar, a catering hall, or a restaurant), then this requirement is waived. Instead, you will need the liquor permit number for the venue.


    • Sketch: If the event is outdoors, please provide a detailed sketch (by hand is allowed) that shows where you plan to sell alcohol, conduct tastings, or have alcohol consumed. It is helpful to include any plan for fences or visual crowd controls. If your event is located at a venue where there is already a liquor permit (e.g., a bar, a catering hall, or a restaurant), then this requirement is waived.


    • Event description: For in-person events- Write a summary describing: how the event will be conducted; what protections will be in place to ensure minors do not purchase alcohol; how staff will ensure intoxicated persons are identified and not served; and any other planned controls to ensure the safe sale and service of alcohol to patrons. For online auctions – Write a summary describing: how the auction will be conducted to ensure minors do not bid or purchase alcohol; whether alcohol will be delivered to winners or if winners will pick it up themselves, and how the age and identity of the winner will be verified at deliver or pick-up.



    When and how do I apply? 

    • Please apply online at least two weeks prior to your event, but it is never too early to apply. We encourage you to apply early in case we have questions about your application.

    apply online

    • This application is accepted online only, and the application can be found at www.elicense.ct.gov. You can find a paper PDF copy of the application here to help you prepare for filling out the online application to help you prepare for filling out the online application.
      • Important Note: If you are not holding your event at a venue where there is already a liquor permit, you must obtain the approval of local officials for the town where your venue is located. Print the two pages of the paper application and fill it out. Take the filled-out form to the officials listed in Section D for their signatures. After all signatures are obtained, scan the form or take a picture of it. You will need to upload those images as part of your online application.


    • Important: To complete this application, you should be signed into eLicense using an account registered to the noncommercial entity. In other words, when you set up the eLicense account, you must use the noncommercial entity’s name and should selected the “business” option instead of the “individual” option.

      • Example: John Smith wants to apply for permit in the name of the charity he volunteers at named “Best Friends Pet Adoption Society.” John will be the permittee. When he logs into eLicense and creates an account, he will make sure the account is set up under the name Best Friends Pet Adoption Society.  He will enter his own name as Permittee when filling out the application.



    • After you are logged into the noncommercial entity’s account, navigate to the “Online Services” tab in the top right of the screen and then click “initial application” from the drop-down menu.



    • On the next screen, scroll until you see “Liquor Control.” Expand the menu and select “Temporary Noncommercial Liquor Permit (LTN).”


    • Click “Start” on the next screen and follow the prompts.



     *Paper applications and/or checks mailed into the department will not be accepted and returned.




    For any additional questions, please contact the Department of Consumer Protection Liquor Control Division at DCP.LiquorControl@ct.gov.
