CHANGE the SCRxIPTlogo.png


Prescription drug misuse, addiction and overdose are all prevalent problems in Connecticut. People of all ages and ethnic, social, educational, and economic backgrounds are affected. The purpose of the CHANGE the SCRxIPT campaign is to increase awareness among prescribers of the Connecticut Prescription Monitoring and Reporting System (CPMRS).

The CPMRS is a web-based tool that provides a complete picture of a patient's controlled substance use, including prescriptions by other providers. As a healthcare tool, the CPMRS is used to improve quality of patient care and to reduce prescription misuse, addiction and overdose.

Campaign Goals

  1. Increase CPMRS registration and usage.
  2. Introduce new CPMRS tools and features.
  3. Provide information on legislative mandates.
  4. Offer resources to inform and guide clinical practices regarding controlled substance prescribing and dispensation.


Campaign Materials

Direct Mailing
Public Service Announcements (PSA)
Print/Web Banner Ads

For More Information


For 24/7 Access to Addiction Treatment in CT: Call 1-800-563-4086


Contact the CT PMP and Related Links

CPMRS Online Registration - Click the 'Create an Account' link


PMP Clearinghouse Login


CT Prescription Monitoring Program

450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901

Hartford, CT 06103

Phone: (860) 713-6073

Fax: (860) 622-2608


CT PMP Clearinghouse Helpdesk

(available M-F, 8AM-8PM EST)

Toll-free: (866) 683-3246
