Pharmacists & Dispensing Prescribers Information

All pharmacies, nonresident pharmacies, outpatient pharmacies in a hospital or institution, and dispensers that are licensed by the State of Connecticut that meet ALL or ANY of the following conditions are required to submit to the PMP Clearinghouse:

  • Dispensed Schedule II-V controlled substances with a prescription supply that is greater than a 48-hour supply
  • Gabapentin with a prescription supply that is greater than a 48-hour supply;
  • Naloxone with any prescription supply;
  • Insulin Drugs with any prescription supply (veterinarian drugs are not reportable);
  • Glucagon Drugs with any prescription supply(veterinarian drugs are not reportable);
  • Diabetic Devices with any prescription supply (veterinarian devices are not reportable);
  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis Devices with any prescription supply (veterinarian devices are not reportable);

Each pharmacy, nonresident pharmacy, outpatient pharmacy in a hospital or institution, and prescribing practitioners who dispense (including veterinary facilities) shall report all required drugs and medical devices dispensed immediately upon, but in no event later than the next business day (dispensing veterinarians are permitted to report weekly) after dispensing such prescriptions into the CPMRS Data Collection website at

For technical assistance with uploading data, contact Bamboo Health at (866) 683-3246.


Connecticut does not require a formal written request and approval for accessing dispensing waivers. All dispensing practitioners requiring the use of reporting waivers should read the following PMP dispensing waiver reporting process requirements information page.


  • A reportable drug administered directly to a patient by a prescriber;
  • A reportable drug dispensed by a licensed health care facility provided that the quantity dispensed is limited to an amount adequate to treat the patient for a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours;
  • Any reportable drug sample dispensed;
  • Any reportable drug dispensed to inpatients in hospitals or nursing homes (exemption does not apply to assisted living);
  • Dispensing to inpatients in hospices (exemption does not apply to home hospice or hospice in an assisted living facility);
  • Any facility that is registered by the United States drug enforcement administration as a narcotic treatment program and is subject to the record keeping provisions of 21 CFR 1304.24;
No later than January 1, 2023each pharmacy shall post a sign notifying consumers that they may visit the Department of Consumer Protection website for information concerning the safe storage of prescription drugs and the disposal of unused and expired prescription drugs. To download materialsclick here.
January 1, 2021: Dispensation information for insulin drugs, glucagon drugs, diabetes devices, diabetic ketoacidosis devices, gabapentin, and naloxone are required to be uploaded into the CPMRS. All listed prescriptions will be available on patient reports except for naloxone. Only CPMRS admin will have access to naloxone data for the purpose of aggregate population analytics that will help to inform public policy.

For more information regarding these drugs, please review the documents below:
October 1, 2019: Pharmacist's authorized pharmacy technician may register for a CPMRS user account.
For more information, please visit the How to Register webpage.

July 1, 2016: All prescriptions must be reported daily
Each pharmacy, nonresident pharmacy, outpatient pharmacy in a hospital or institution, and dispenser shall report all controlled substance prescriptions dispensed immediately upon, but in no event later than the next business day, after dispensing such prescriptions into the CPMRS Data Collection website at

Please visit the Data Collection website at to register and upload your data, and/or visit the PMP website at to register and access prescription information.

If one or more records on a report appear to be inaccurate, pharmacists are asked to verify the information in their system and if applicable, perform Error Correction in the CPMRS at or if authorized, at by navigating to Data>Rx Management>Error Correction.

Contact Bamboo Health for technical assistance with data uploads and error correction:
Toll-Free (866) 683-3246  (available M-F, 8AM-8PM EST)
