VW Settlement Resources
Connecticut NOx Mitigation Trust Fund Documents
Connecticut State Mitigation Plan

Connecticut has been allocated $55.7 million for use towards offsetting the excess NOx emissions caused by VW's actions. The allocated funds will finance specifically identified mitigation projects to reduce NOx emissions from a wide array of mobile sources. Accessing the mitigation funds require the development of a state mitigation plan.
Having proposed and taken public comment on an initial draft mitigation plan on January 18 - March 6, 2017, DEEP held a formal public comment period on the draft final mitigation plan from February 15, 2018 to March 9, 2018.
On April 26, 2018, Connecticut submitted its final mitigation plan to Wilmington Trust ("the Trustee").
Connecticut Final Mitigation Plan - April 26, 2018
Archived Documents
The following archived documents are related to the second draft release of Connecticut's State Mitigation Plan which occurred in early 2018.
Response to Comments Received on Draft Final Mitigation Plan - April 26, 2018
Summary of Comments Received on Draft Final Mitigation Plan - April 26, 2018
Comments Received on Draft Final Mitigation Plan - March 12, 2018
Formal Public Notice of Draft Final Mitigation Plan - February 15, 2018
Connecticut Draft Final Mitigation Plan - February 15, 2018
The following archived documents are related to the first draft release of Connecticut's State Mitigation Plan which occurred in early 2017.
Connecticut Initial Proposed State Mitigation Plan - February 23, 2017
Presentation on Connecticut's Initial Proposed Draft State Mitigation Plan - February 23, 2017
DEEP Summary of Comments Received During Informal Comment Period - March 6, 2017
Comments Received on VW Settlement During Informal Comment Period
NOTE: As Connecticut progresses through the Mitigation Trust Fund process, additional associated documents, filings and comments received electronically and by mail will be posted here.
Volkswagen Court Documents
A complete archive of Volkswagen (VW) court documents can be accessed at the US District Court, Northern District of California website. Below are some of the more relevant documents in the VW settlement.
Modified State Beneficiary Trust Agreement
The Trustee filed a minor modification request to the State Beneficiary Trust Agreement to address issues raised by the IRS in a Private Letter Ruling to preserve trust assets and ensure that the final liquidation distribution goes to the beneficiaries. The Trustee also clarified a few additional items that have come up since the final trust agreement was signed. This modified State Beneficiary Trust Agreement was effective as of April 12, 2019.
Final Modified State Beneficiary Trust Agreement - April 12, 2019
Final Executed State Beneficiary Trust Agreement
This final state beneficiary trust agreement includes some significant procedural changes from the earlier consent decrees. One important change was to establish two separate trusts, one for states and one for tribes due to different tax requirements for both groups. The trust agreements were executed on October 2, 2017 and, as such, this date represents the Trust Effective Date.
Final State Beneficiary Trust Agreement - October 2, 2017
Partial Consent Decrees
The following partial consent decrees for 2.0 liter and 3.0 liter diesel vehicles served as the basis for the development of the Final State Beneficiary Trust Agreements above. They contain appendices that specify the consumer buyback lease termination program, vehicle emissions modification recall program, VW Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Investment Commitment, and the details of the Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement.
First Partial 2.0L Consent Decree - June 28, 2016
Amended First Partial 2.0L Consent Decree - September 30, 2016
Second Partial 3.0L Consent Decree - December 20, 2016
Third Partial Consent Decree - January 11, 2017
Related Web Pages
Wilmington Trust (the Trustee) has set up this website for the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trusts. You'll find information on the Trust for State Beneficiaries and Tribes and access to future program documents.
EPA's website with an extensive background on the VW violations along with information on EPA's enforcement actions. This website also contains a helpful link to all laws and regulations related to the VW violations.
Due to the level of interest in the VW case, this web page has been created by the United States District Court, Northern District of California to notify journalists and interested members of the public of important news and information about access to court proceedings and case information.
The official informational website for the Volkswagen-Audi Diesel Emissions Settlement Program. Contains information and videos on how consumers can check eligibility, file a claim, and more. This webpage also hosts an archive of all official court documents.
Volkswagen's official National ZEV Investment Plan website. This website was created to address VW's National ZEV Investment Plan as specified in Appendix C of the partial consent decree. Proposals can be submitted and additional information on the ZEV Investment Plan can be found on this website.
NACAA has established repository of state and local agency information and links pertaining to the VW settlement and the Mitigation Trust Fund. The information accessible from the repository includes state and local webpages, public outreach materials, drafts of documents, etc.
Volkswagen's "We're working to make things right" website. Consumer oriented webpage regarding the TDI emissions issue and explanation of the steps that VW is taking to compensate VW owners.
Sierra Club maintains this webpage to provide its stakeholders with convenient access to various VW settlement documents, timelines, fact sheets, tools and presentations.
Please contact us at DEEP.mobilesources@ct.gov if you have questions or need further information.
Content last updated January 22, 2020