Residential Home Heating Oil Tanks
Information for Homeowners:
In 2018, 45% of Connecticut households used fuel oil or other petroleum products as the primary energy source for home heating.
Residential home heating oil tanks can be found:
in a home’s basement,
outside, above ground near the house or
buried in close proximity to the house.
Homeowners should be proactive, educate themselves on home heating oil tank safety, and work with their licensed service provider to prevent oil leaks and spills.

Home Heating Oil Tank Maintenance
Video: Prevent Home Heating Oil Leaks and Spills

Guidance for Residential Underground Home Heating Oil Tank Leaks

Heating Oil Contamination and Your Home
This fact sheet from the Connecticut Department of Health (DPH) provides an overview of how to detect, control and report oil spills within your home.
Frequently Asked Questions about Residential Home Heating Oil Tanks
Emergency Response and Spill Prevention
Information to help guide contractors who are installing, maintaining and/or servicing underground storage tanks that serve five or more residential units.
Guidance for Contractors that Remove Residential Tanks
Guidance from the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) that home improvement contractors must comply with to remove underground storage tanks.
Emergency Response and Spill Prevention
Emergency Response and Spill Prevention Contacts
Educational Resources for Contractors that Work with Homeowners
Video: Prevent Home Heating Oil Leaks and Spills
Educates homeowners, landlords and local officials on the hazards of having an unprotected oil line installed underground or within concrete basement floors.
Heating Oil Contamination and Your Home
This fact sheet from the Connecticut Department of Health (DPH) provides an overview of how to detect, control and report oil spills within your home.
Content last updated October 2019