Water Diversion Program
The Water Diversion Program regulates activities that cause, allow or result in the withdrawal from, or the alteration, modification or diminution of, the instantaneous flow of the waters of the state through individual and general permits. The Water Diversion Policy Act is codified in Section 22a-365 through 22a-379 of the Connecticut General Statutes as well as Sections 22a-372-1, 22a-377(b)-1 and 22a-377(c)-1 to 22a-377(c)-2 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.In general, any person proposing a diversion which was not previously registered with the Department and, which is not exempt, must apply for a permit. You must apply for a permit if, among other things, you propose to:- withdraw groundwater or surface water in excess of 50,000 gallons of per day;
- collect and discharge runoff, including storm water drainage, from a watershed area greater than 100 acres;
- transfer water from one public water supply distribution system or service area to another where the combined maximum withdrawal from any source supplying interconnection exceeds fifty thousand (50,000) gallons during any twenty-four hour period;
- expand a registered public water supply service beyond a service area as identified (1) within registration documents, (2) in a water supply plan submitted prior to October 1, 2016, or (3) beyond an exclusive service area identified on the Department of Public Health’s 2016 Public Water Supply Management Area maps;
- relocate, retain, detain, bypass, channelize, pipe, culvert, ditch, drain, fill, excavate, dredge, dam, impound, dike, or enlarge waters of the state with a contributing watershed area greater than 100 acres;
- transfer water from one water supply distribution system to another in excess of 50,000 gallons per day;
- or modify a registered diversion.
Failure to obtain a permit for an unauthorized diversion may result in the initiation of enforcement actions with injunctions and penalties.
For more information on diversion permits, view the Water Diversion Permit Fact Sheet.
Public Water Supply Management Area (PWSMA) maps showing Exclusive Service Areas (ESAs) referenced in Section 22a-377(b)-1(b)(C of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies:

Irrigation Pump Connecticut Stream

Wellhouse Reservoir Intake
Water Diversion Registration or Permit?
Permit Application Information
Lists of Registered and Permitted Diversions
Water Diversion Reporting Information
Best Management Practices for Golf Course Water Use
Water Quantity
Content Last Updated February 13, 2020