Your options to reprint your registration(s)
- Online
Who is eligible
Individuals with a current vehicle or vessel registration
How to
Step 1: Gather what you’ll need
- Your first and last name exactly as it appears on your driver's license or non-driver ID card
- Your driver’s license or non-driver ID card number
- Your date of birth
- Your street address on your driver's license or non-driver ID card
- Your license plate number or your CT vessel registration number
- Your social security number (not required for owners with an out-of-state driver's license or Connecticut drive only license)
- A credit or debit card
Step 2: Reprint your vehicle or vessel registration online
Step 3: Download/Receive your reprinted registration(s)
Reprinted vehicle registrations will be available to download and can be printed at your convenience. Reprinted vessel registrations will be mailed to your preferred shipping address.
Please note: Your reprinted vehicle registration(s) will be accessible for 30 days for no additional fee.
There is no fee to reprint your vehicle registration. There is a $20.00 fee to reprint your vessel registration.
Are you looking to access a receipt for a previously completed online transaction? Receipts can be requested online for transactions processed after 5/24/2021. Click here to get your receipt.