My workplace just underwent an inspection. What are my options as an employer?

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Your options as an employer following an inspection


After an inspection you may take any of the following courses of action:

  1. Request an Informal Conference with the CONN-OSHA Director within 15 working days from the date you receive a written notice of citations and proposed penalties.

  2. Abate the hazards identified and pay the penalties associated with the hazards (if applicable).

    Hazards classified as Other do not have penalties.

  3. Contest in writing any or all of the following within 15 working days from the date you receive the written notice of citations and proposed penalties:
    • Citations
    • Proposed penalties
    • Abatement dates

It is suggested that an informal conference be held prior to contesting (in writing) citations, proposed penalties, and/or abatement dates.


Inspection Informal Conference Enforcement Compliance Employers