Food Assistance - Farmers' Markets, Farms and Farm Stands

Related Resources


Fun and informative 3 ½-minute video about how you can purchase fresh and tasty food at farmers’ markets, using SNAP benefits on your EBT card (sometimes getting double value!).  Produced by the Fruit & Vegetable Working Group of the City of Hartford Advisory Commission, with the Hispanic Health Council, Foodshare, UConn Health Center, Yale School of Public Health, Billings Forge Community Works, Community Solutions, Eastern Connecticut State University Department of Communication & Media Arts, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Food & Nutrition Service, and Connecticut Department of Social Services.  Please click on the above links to see the video (English and en Espanol).
Cool 3-minute video about using your EBT card at Connecticut Farmers’ Markets—often at double the value of your SNAP benefits!  Produced by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) Office of Organizational & Skill Development with the DSS SNAP Division, in collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.  Please click on above link to see the video. 

**Governor Lamont Encourages Consumers to Support Connecticut Grown Products at the State’s Farmers’ Markets**

Please follow this link for Farms and Farm Stands currently accepting EBT/SNAP

For up-to-date information on Farmers' Markets, please also visit the Farmers' Market page at the Department of Agriculture's website


Want to become an EBT approved Farmers' Market?

The number of farmers' markets licensed to accept SNAP benefits is increasing nationwide.  As people discover the benefit of buying fresh, nutritious, local products, farmers and farmers' markets are seizing the opportunity to broaden their customer base by adding a SNAP payment option.

Follow this link to find out more Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window
